Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Project in a Magic Nutshell

(For those members of the international storytelling community who follow the adventures of the Multicolored Lady and would like to know what this blog is all about)

This blog was created for a very special purpose: I found an advertisement from Vodafone Hungary, they are looking for 'professional angels'. Angels who have a project in mind for helping people in one way or another. And since the very essence of storytelling is changing the world for the better, I decided to apply with exactly that.

I want to teach storytelling to children.

I would be working together with a foundation (Életrevaló Gyermekmisszió) that organizes community events, summer camps and after-school programs for children in need. Children in need of all kinds of things: attention, care, family, studies, food, and, most of all, love. Children in need of stories. Children in need of telling their own tales.
I would like to spend my time as a 'professional angel' visiting these events, these children, telling stories to them, and creating groups, regular workshops for them to learn how to find their own voice. I would like to help them find out how they can speak to people through their tales of choice. How to be brave. How to live their own story.
Storytelling, as we all know, is useful on so many levels that it is really hard to count. It is good for the soul, the heart, the mind.
There is a story about an angel who tells stories to children before they are born.
I would like to take it from there.


  1. You truly are a wonderful, talented angel! I've been following your posts on the storytell listserv since you found it, and I am so impressed with your passion for storytelling, and the obvious impact your telling has on your audiences. Keep up the very good work! I will definitely "like" your professional angel project as soon as I figure out how to do it! Many hugs, Billie Noakes

  2. Well done, Csenge! Like Billie, I've enjoyed your contribution to storytell and will figure out how to "like" your project.
    All the best
    Mabel K
    Western Australia

  3. Thank you both for the compliments and support! :) I'll keep you posted on the results :)
